September 18th, 11:45am-1:30pm | Confirmation kick-off with students and families, meet in Fellowship Hall. We will have lunch, go over all the information you will need, and then go through Session 1: Creation together. |
October 2nd, 1-2:30pm | Session 2: Disruption – this is our first regular class with the students. We will meet in the youth room and go through our second session together. You should have your mentor picked or assigned by this date. |
October 8th, 9am (drop off)
October 9th, 11am (pick up) |
Jr. High Retreat: This is not an official confirmation activity and is open to ALL middle schoolers, 6th-8th grade. You are encouraged to participate. It takes place at Marmon Valley Farm and the focus is primarily on fellowship. |
October 30th, 1-2:30pm | Session 3: The Promise – we will meet in the youth room for our third session. Please have your forms turned in by this date for our first Confirmation Retreat in November. |
Nov. 11th, 6pm (drop off)
Nov. 13th, 11:30am (pick up) |
Confirmation Retreat #1 at Camp Otterbein
This weekend we will talk about what it means to be the Church (the body of Christ) including discussions on Sacraments, worship, prayer, and participation in our local congregations. We will also study Session 4: Exodus and Session 5: Commands from our lesson plan. |
December 4th, 1-2:30pm | Session 6: Judges and Kings – We will meet in the youth room. At this point, you should have met with your mentors at least once to begin your mentor sessions. |
January 8th, 1-2:30pm | Session 7: Exile – we will meet in the youth room for this session. You will receive information and a permission slip for the February lock-in at this meeting. |
January 22nd, 1-2:30pm | Session 8: God-With-Us Please have your permission slips for the February lock-in turned in by this meeting. |
February 3rd, 7pm (drop off)
February 4th, 9am (pick-up) |
Confirmation Lock-In at Riverside UMC
Our focus will be on the Holy Spirit and the nature of the trinity. We will meet at 7 (please eat dinner beforehand) and our lessons will last until around 10pm. Then we will play some games and watch a movie. We will have breakfast in the morning, and pick-up will be 9am. |
February 19th, 1-2:30pm | Session 9: Miracles – We will meet in the youth room for this meeting. |
March 5th, 1-2:30pm | Session 10: God’s Kingdom – We will meet in the youth room for this meeting. We will begin work on your faith statements today. |
April 2nd, 1-2:30pm | Session 11: Death-to-Life – We will meet in the youth room for this session. You will have some time to work on your faith statements at this meeting. |
April 23rd, 1-2:30pm | Session 12: The Church – We will meet in the youth room for this meeting. Your faith statements and pictures with your mentors are DUE at this meeting. Please have e-mailed them to Jenna or bring hard copies with you today. |
May 14th, 2017
During Both Services |
Confirmation Sunday! Congratulations. This is your day to celebrate. You will be confirmed at either service, depending on your families’ choice. We ask that your mentor be there to read your faith statement as Pastor David, Pastor Herman, and Jenna pray over you and commission you as a member of Riverside United Methodist Church. If you have not been baptized, you will be baptized during this process. |