A welcoming community living and sharing the transforming love of Jesus Christ.
To reach out to all with God’s love to make lifelong, joyful, obedient disciples of Jesus Christ.
1. God commands us to put Him first in all aspects of our lives, and to worship Him authentically, truthfully, and continually by the power of the Holy Spirit. Exodus 20:3, Matthew 22:37-38, Romans 8:5-9 2. Seeking to understand the Bible and obeying its teaching is essential for every disciple of Jesus Christ. 3. We believe that prayer is the essential connection with God for the power to transform individuals and the community. 4. In all circumstances the Holy Spirit gives us strength and guidance to follow Jesus. 5. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ means to accept him as Lord and Savior and to become like Him. 6. Every person is a valued creation of God to be loved as Christ loves us. |
7. To grow spiritually we must be a safe community filled with God’s grace where all can openly share anything without fear. Romans 12:17-19, Romans 15:5-7, Philippians 2:1-2, Titus 3:1-3 8. To grow as a disciple we need to be in a regular, authentic, accountable relationship with other disciples. 9. God calls us to lovingly and prayerfully resolve conflict according to the Bible and the example of Jesus. 10. Because we are devoted to Jesus Christ we are called to serve Him using our gifts to serve others. 11. We are commanded to seek God’s justice for all people including those who are poor, needy, or victims of injustice. 12. Because the Gospel transforms lives, we are called to live and share it without shame or apology. |