Trunk or Treat 

Saturday October 31st, 3-5pm


  • Join us in the Parking Lot at Riverside UMC on Halloween for some safe, fun, non-scary trunk or treating!
  • Event will be held outdoors weather-permitting, but will move into the Riverside’s Fellowship Hall in the case of heavy rainfall or storms.
  • We will be following social distancing protocols and ask that anyone over the age of  6 wear a facial covering.


  • What is a Trunk or Treat?
    • At trunk or treats, costumed children of all ages walk through a parking lot, stopping at cars that have decorated trunks and receiving candy.
  • Do we have to dress up?
    • Everyone is invited to come in costume, but you certainly do not have to be in costume to participate!
  • Will there be food?
    • Yes! We will have popcorn and cookies available for all.
  • Can I participate as an adult with no young children?
    • Of course! I would encourage you to check out the list of volunteers needed and consider participating as a volunteer.  We need lots of help to make this event a success, and you will be blessed to be a blessing. SIGN UP HERE
  • What pandemic-safety protocols are you using?
    • We will be running the event outdoors or in a large open space if weather forces us inside, enforcing social distancing, have hand sanitizer available, and asking everyone over the age of 6 to wear a mask.